Defining Security and Network Assets for EN 18031-1:2024 Compliance

Professional person thoughtfully considering the difference between security assets and network assets for EN 18031-1 cybersecurity compliance.

IoT Consulting Partners frequently receives questions from clients about clearly identifying and documenting security and network assets. This blog addresses these common concerns and provides practical guidance to help clarify these critical aspects. Properly defining your security and network assets is a foundational step in your compliance journey and ensures the accurate application of all subsequent EN 18031-1:2024 requirements.

Importance of Defining Assets Clearly

Clearly defining your security and network assets is crucial from the outset of compliance activities because it determines how each requirement in the EN 18031-1 standard is assessed and applied. Accurate identification prevents misunderstandings, compliance gaps, and security vulnerabilities.

Understanding Security Assets

According to EN 18031-1:2024, security assets are sensitive parameters, functions, or resources within the equipment, unauthorized access or manipulation of which could compromise network security or device functionality.

Common examples include:

  • User credentials (passwords, authentication tokens);
  • Cryptographic keys and certificates;
  • Sensitive configuration parameters.

Understanding Network Assets

Network assets are configurations and functionalities related to network operations whose compromise could negatively impact the security or functionality of network resources.

Common examples include:

  • Communication protocols and settings;
  • Network interfaces (e.g., Wi-Fi, LAN settings);
  • Remote management interfaces (web, SSH, APIs).

Effective Asset Documentation Practices

Clearly documenting these assets involves:

  • Naming and describing each asset accurately;
  • Specifying possible types of access (read, write, execute);
  • Providing clear justification if an asset is publicly accessible;
  • Describing any environmental or logical restrictions;
  • Noting legal implications, if relevant;
  • Clearly documenting the access control mechanisms used.

Example Documentation Table

CSS Styled Table
Asset Type Asset Description Possible Access Public Access (Y/N) Justification for Public Access Environmental Restrictions Legal Implications Access Control Mechanism
Security Asset Admin passwords Read, Write No N/A Restricted admin interface None Multi-factor authentication
Security Asset Firmware update files Read, Execute No N/A Secure update server None Secure boot, digital signatures
Network Asset Wi-Fi configuration Read, Write No N/A Secured VLAN None Role-based access control
Network Asset VPN settings Read, Write No N/A Dedicated management VLAN None Certificate-based authentication

Take the Next Step with IoT Consulting Partners Group

IoT Consulting Partners assists clients by providing expert guidance on identifying and documenting these critical assets. Additionally, our team supports the entire compliance strategy for the EN 18031 series, ensuring your documentation and implementation align seamlessly with regulatory standards and industry best practices.

Ensuring compliance with global standards for radio, wireless, and electrical equipment is a complex but essential process. IoT Consulting Partners Group is here to guide you through every step, from bringing your wireless idea to life, testing and debugging to certification and market access.

Contact us today or schedule a free consultation to learn how we can help bring your product to market successfully.

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John Roording

Q: What is a Security Asset according to EN 18031-1?
A: Security assets include sensitive parameters or functions (like passwords, cryptographic keys, firmware updates) that, if compromised, could affect network security or device functionality.

Q: Can network assets be publicly accessible?
A: Typically, no—unless explicitly justified. Public accessibility should be clearly documented, justified, and adequately secured.

Q: Why is documenting security and network assets important?
A: Clear documentation ensures proper compliance with EN 18031-1 and prevents security vulnerabilities or compliance issues.

Q: How can IoT Consulting Partners assist with EN 18031-1 compliance?
A: IoT Consulting Partners helps define assets clearly, ensures accurate documentation, and supports your complete EN 18031-1 compliance strategy.

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